Stor inomhus scen med stor publik


Here you will find most of all concerts, art exhibitions, music and entertainment happening in Gävle and Gästrikland. Not to mention all our sporting events. And our goat inauguration!

Winter break tips

Gingerbread house

Sweden's largest

Gingerbread house at the County Museum of Gävleborg is an annual exhibition and a cherished part of Gävle's Christmas tradition.

Gingerbread house

Affisch på en ensamble

The legacy of Johann Strauss

In 2025, the Schönbrunn Palace Orchestra from Vienna will add extra brilliance to its traditional New Year’s concerts in Scandinavia.

The New Year’s Concert 2025

The artist Orup

Success – now it’s Gävle’s turn  

Expect an intimate, personal, and stripped-down performance featuring only Orup – his guitars, grand piano, timeless hits, and a story or two.

Orup Bara

Which senses would you like to turn on?


What do you want to do?